

Monday, March 10, 2008

Computer Numercal Control and its Components

A computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine is an NC machine with the added feature of an on-board computer. The on-board computer is often referred to as the Machine Control Unit or MCU. Control units for CNC machines are usually hard wired. This means that all machine functions are controlled by the physical electronic elements that are built into the controller. The on-board computer, on the other hand, is "Soft" wired. Thus the machine fuctions are encoded into the computer at the time of manufacture. They will not be erased when the machine is truned off. Computer memory that holds such information is known as ROM or read-only memory. The MCU has usually alphanumerical keyboard for direct or manual data input (MDI) for all part programs. Such programs are stored in RAM or Random Access Memory portion of the computer. They can be played back, edited and processed by the control. All programs residing in RAM, however, are lost when the CNC machine turned off. These programs can be saved on auxiliary storage device such as punched tape or magnetic disk. Newer MCU units have graphic screens that can display not only the CNC program but the cutter paths generated and any errors in the program.

CNC comprises on following main components;

Machine Control Unit

A small, powerful computer that controls and operates a CNC machine.It generates, stores, processes CNC programs. The machine control unit also contains the machine motion control in the form of an executive software program.

NC Machine

Responds the programmed signal from the machine control unit and manufactures the part.

1 comment:

cooking copy said...

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